/* the humans responsible & colophon */ /* humanstxt.org */ /* TEAM */ Project-Management: Mark Serloreti September 2017 Dev, programming & design: Mark Serloreti September 2017 Site: www.serloreti.de LinkedIn: Location: Munich | Germany /* THANKS */ To the HTML5 Boilerplate Team & the Skeleton Team /* SITE */ Standards: PHP, HTML5, CSS3 Components: SkeletonMachine, Modernizr, jQuery Software: Sublime Text 3 & Brackets w/ Gulp /* NOTES */ Skeleton Machine is a template on the basis of the great Skeleton Framework Skeleton Machine is a template by Mark Serloreti - it is not a free template /* Copyrights */ The Layout and programming of this website is copyrighted. HTML5 Boilerplate is licenced unter MIT. Skeleton is licencend under MIT.