In a highly competitive business, we expect our tools to help us to work smarter, faster and more efficient every day.
This is why we developed iPdoc.

From attorney for attorneys

With 18 years of experience and know-how in intellectual property, the law firm ROTHKOPF is one of the leading German iP consulting firms. We are working with our clients on the full range of tactical and strategic issues of patents, trademarks and designs. To faciliate our internal workflows we developed tools and software solutions which we now make available to law firms and SMEs wishing to professionalise their document management routines.

Company Info

We are represented with offices in Munich, Berlin, Düsseldorf and Heilbronn and maintain close links to all international markets. Our offices are equipped with modern communications and database technology. At these locations patent attorneys and attorneys at law cooperate closely with portfolio managers, business consultants and marketing experts for the benefit of our clients.

You can find our Munich office near the European Patent Office, the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the District Court.

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